advanced trainings, public workshops

sponsored by Feldenkrais Japan


advanced trainings
public workshops

Stephanie Spink
Stephanie Spink

Stephanie Spink

Teaching ATM and Giving FI
Developing Your Practice and Understanding


Dec. 10 to 14 (Mon - Fri)
venue: Kanagawa Science park イメージ


This advanced training has been designed to deepen your understanding, practice and experience of Awareness Through Movement Lessons. It will be a fabulous opportunity to move to the next level in your effectiveness of teaching ATM, and in understanding the what, when and how to work in FI.

Whether you have yet to begin your practice or been practicing for a while this workshop will develop your competence and confidence in working with the Method. Whether you wish to primarily work with individuals or teach ATM classes, this workshop will enhance your abilities for both by developing your understanding of the underpinnings of how we learn and Feldenkrais’s genius strategies to elicit the neuroplasticity of our brains and nervous systems.

Every ATM is an opportunity for learning about yourself, for embodying that learning which becomes the essential underpinning for successfully working with individuals in FI.

Over these 5 days we will investigate 10 fundamental ATMs. We will explore their structure, strategies and the concepts embedded within, deconstructing them to discover the intentions behind key variations.

Understanding the strategies within ATM; how and why they work, will have an immediate and powerful influence on your work and understanding of FI. We will go back and forth between ATM and FI to clarify how these two approaches are not only intertwined but are actually one and the same thing, even though they may not seem so at first.

Here you will come with whatever experience you have gained and ask your questions, reflect on your practice, and continue on your learning journey to enhance your Feldenkrais practice.

We will look at questions from the point of view of FI and ATM, such as:

  • How do you teach a lesson or a series of lessons to address what your client/s wants, needs, can accept and utilise?
  • Can you choose lessons appropriate to your intended outcomes?
  • Do you develop a ‘learning based’ environment?
  • Do your lessons incorporate a range of presentation styles for different contexts or outcomes?
  • Are you developing your ‘self-use’ in facilitating the teaching of the lesson?
  • How do you assess and reflect on your learning and teaching after the lesson?
  • How is your own ATM practice informing your learning?

In order to gain the maximum benefit, you will need to have prepared, taught and reflected on a series of 5 ATM lessons - even if it’s only to one person.


Location: Kanagawa Science Park イメージ

dates: Dec 10 - 14 (Mon-Fri) ,2018, five days
hours: 1st day/11:00 – 18:00, 2nd,3rd,4th day/10:00 - 17:00, 5th day/10:00 - 16:30
participants:Feldenkrais practitioners


5days 90,000Yen+tax (up to Oct.31: 80,000Yen+tax)
4days 70,000Yen+tax (up to Oct.31: 60,000Yen+tax)
3days 60,000Yen+tax (up to Oct.31: 50,000Yen+tax)
for participants from overseas, the fee is reduced 10%

To sign up, please contact us using the form below, or call Feldenkrais Japan
tel:+81-3-3358-2725 fax:+81-3-3358-2764